What a difference a day makes

I finished my last post on this note: "I end this year on a very positive impression, impression of growth, of beauty, of pleasure, of contentment, of friendship and love, of discovery... Thank you Life"
Today I feel like I have a million reasons more to thank life, or may be rather one reason. I started 2018 on a good feeling, sensing that the year will be a turning point, but I never quite saw the changes that May brought my way.
They say that love surprises you when you least expect it and I always thought how cliché and cheesy, but I can only concur. I have stepped into the most cliché and cheesiest world on May 5th and I am loving every second of it, even on the moments when it scares me. Yes it is a whirlwind of feelings that takes your breath away. 
I wanted to write this post to find an outlet to all the feelings I have been experiencing but I find myself short of words, like the words don't do them justice.
It is so unreal that someone can spin your world completely upside down simply by becoming part of your life. You thought you knew where your life was headed, you were feeling confident and comfortable. And suddenly, you're swimming in the deep end and you don't know where North is anymore. It's like a new world and you're discovering it blind. It's exciting and I don't regret it, but it's unsettling and challenging.
We're talking moving flats, wedding bells and baby carrying stork kind of changes, they are big, they are bold, they are life changing. 


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