Is there such a thing as contentment?

Contentment: happiness with one's situation in life
Content: satisfied with what one is or has, not wanting more or anything else, quietly happy

Are we ever trully contented? Can we really be quietly happy? I started to wonder this today as I was anxiously waiting to chat with my fairy. I was feeling like we hadn't talked in a while (although we do talk each day for various length of time - from 1 minute or 2 to a whole hour or more). I was feeling like I needed more of her time. And she commented that it was a rather needy behaviour, which I agree but somehow couldn't quite help myself. So it raised the question in my head: are we ever really content? I would have answered that we can be trully happy yes. But as the definition of contentment shows, if we are never content, then we are never really happy.

But I tend to disagree with that. Because at this point in my life, if I am asked whether I am happy, I honestly reply that I am. Yet I do feel I miss her a lot so, although happy, I want more, so I am not content. Is it a contradiction inherent to human beings? Is it human to always wish for more, better, longer, nicer? I think it is human nature to want more of the things you love and enjoy. I think it is also linked to our awareness of time. Humans are concious of time, of now, of the future and the past, unlike animals (I believe at least, still researching that one). So it's in our nature to think of what's next and that's when you think of what can be better or more, as it is also in our nature to evolve and that is a positive change. Therefore to be contented, human need to make a conscious effort to live in the NOW cause when we do then happiness and contentment trully co-exist.

May be one can tell we are content and happy, when one can say we'd die happy if we'd died right now on the spot. But then again time catches up with us and i realise that to say I'd die happy right now only happens at specific times. Cause to trully say we're happy and contented there can't be a "I'd die happy but I wish..." because it expresses regrets. So to conclude this reasonning, there is such a thing as contentment but it is a punctual feeling, it cannot be a lasting feeling, due to the passing of time and the constant changes that occur in one's life, each day, each minute, which makes us adjust our vision of life.

But one is trully happy when we collect moments after moments of feeling contented, as all these moments will give the impression of a constant state of satisfaction.


Anonymous said…
The lack of contentment comes from greed. If you can recognise that, you will realise, there is a lot that you don't need. Not to say that you don't want, of course we all do.
When you can come to agreement with that, you will understand that at any one point, you will be happy to die without any buts. At least that is how I see it. It will not be punctual.
Of course, this can only, again to my knowledge and own perspective, done if you lead your life as well as you can, without largely compromising your beliefs, etc...
What say you?
Amberle said…
I say that I can see your point and that yes we should all manage to be content at any given point. However i believe that it takes a certain level of maturity and a conscious effort to keep one's "greed" in check.
That means not suppress it because in some measure it's part of human nature, but to not give way to it.
And obviously yes living your life to the fullest in agreement with your values, so you can have the feeling that at any given moment, you've done all could have.
May be I am not as wise as you (yet), may be not as at peace with myself as I want, but getting there.

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