ready, steady, go...

In about 10 hours, my fairy will be landing in Geneva to make a life here. How crazy is this? How nice is this? It's such a strange mix of emotions, excitement, worry, happiness, anxiousness, hope, fear, confidence, doubt...
In reaction to her stress, I have been feeling a roller-coaster of emotions the past few days. I've known moment of pure joy filled with impatience, feeling like am floating 50cm above the ground. But also moments of extreme worry about her reactions. Will we pick up just as before? Will we be different? Different is not necessarily a bad thing if the love and attraction are still there.
Oh well, there is no point speculating, I can only wait and see. I'll be trying to catch some sleep and I'll keep faith that all that we've felt and lived before was so real, that things can only be good tomorrow and the day after, and the week after and the month to follow and so on...

There is no formulo or method. You only learn to love by loving.


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