What a difference a day makes

I finished my last post on this note: "I end this year on a very positive impression, impression of growth, of beauty, of pleasure, of contentment, of friendship and love, of discovery... Thank you Life" Today I feel like I have a million reasons more to thank life, or may be rather one reason. I started 2018 on a good feeling, sensing that the year will be a turning point, but I never quite saw the changes that May brought my way. They say that love surprises you when you least expect it and I always thought how cliché and cheesy, but I can only concur. I have stepped into the most cliché and cheesiest world on May 5th and I am loving every second of it, even on the moments when it scares me. Yes it is a whirlwind of feelings that takes your breath away. I wanted to write this post to find an outlet to all the feelings I have been experiencing but I find myself short of words, like the words don't do them justice. It is so unreal that someone can spin your world com...